Essentials: Campaign Data Types
Data types currently supported in the Outbound by Enreach Campaign Templates:
- Text (Small field): A simple box that can hold 1 line of text.
- Text (Large field): A larger box covering 10 lines of text. If you enter more than 10 lines of text, a scrollbar will appear.
- Time (hh:mm): A box where time can be entered. The format is validated to be “hh:mm”.
- Date (dd/mm/yyyy): A box that can hold a date in the default format of days:months:years. Note that there is an option to change the format to something that fits your needs or culture.
- Date/Time (dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm): A box that can hold a date and time in the format indicated. Note that there is an option to change the format to something that fits your needs or culture.
- Number: A box where a number without decimals are accepted. Ideal for numerical values such as zip codes. The technical data type is Integer, which means that the number box accepts values between -2147483647 and 2147483648.
- Decimal number: A box that can hold numbers with decimals. The technical data type is Float, which means that it accepts values between 1.175494351 E –38 and 3.402823466 E +38.
- Checkbox: A small box that can be ticked or unticked, corresponding to true or false values. When a check box is ticked on the Contact Page, the response will be saved as the value 'on', as seen in the lead log and reports.
- Phone number: A mandatory field for uploading leads, and saving your Campaign Template! Phone numbers are validated depending on the country your Campaign will call too, and can uploaded with the country code.
- E-mail: A box that accepts and validates correct email addresses.
- Picklist: A picklist will display on the contact page as a drop down menu, from which the agent can record an option. Picklists are great for recording lead responses.
- Priority: Obsolete. The data type is still maintained for legacy reasons but is replaced by the setting Lead pool priority for the Campaign Template.
- Number (4 digits): A box that validates numbers to be exactly 4 digits.
- Original Lead Owner: If leads are uploaded or created with a lead owner, it will be displayed in this field. A lead owner can be a user or a Team.
- Notes: A box that accepts 1 line for text. This box looks the same as Text (Small field), but it is treated as notes on exports of Lead and Result data, for example.
- National ID number: This field holds the personal ID-number.
- Bank code (4 digits): Most banks have a country unique clearing number which is used before the account number to identify the bank. Similar to the personal ID, this data type is expected to hold sensitive data and should, therefore, be treated separately.
- Is not empty: This data type validates if the agent has filled in any values in the field. This field must be checked as a Result on page 2 of the Campaign Template. A lead can only be saved on the Contact Page when the required information is entered into this data field.
- Bank number: A data type used to hold the account number to the lead’s bank account. This is sensitive data and should therefore be considered sensitive. Mark this as sensitive in Administration > Projects.
- Date (yyyy-mm-dd): Same as Date (dd/mm/yyyy), but with a different default order of the day, month, and year.
- CPR/CVR number: A box that holds either the personal ID number or the company’s registration number. This validates according to Danish standards.
- Revenue: Revenue is a data type that can hold a decimal number, used to record the revenue from a sale. The value can be used in Reports and Scoreboards in out-of-the-box KPIs to calculate the sum of revenue.
- Profit: Profit is a data type that can hold a decimal number, used to record the profit from a sale. The value can be used in Reports and Scoreboards in out-of-the-box KPIs to calculate the sum of commissions.
- Commission: Commission is a data type that can hold a decimal number, used to record the agent commission from a sale. The value can be used in Reports and Scoreboards in out-of-the-box KPIs to calculate the sum of commissions.
- Points: This data type is used to record point scored by agents or leads based on various actions or outcomes.
- Main Outcome: Main Outcome allows the agent to register the outcome of a call with the lead, such as success, not interested, or unqualified. Main Outcome will be displayed as a drop down menu on the Contact Page. This field is mandatory for each Campaign Template!
- Outcome details: To be used together with the Main Outcome drop down menu, Outcome Details is a drop down menu that will allow you to record any further details needed. This data field is ideal for recording sub-closures.
- URL: This data types lets you display a clickable link to a webpage on the Contact Page. The field must be saved as 'not editable' in page 2 of the Campaign Template in order for the webpage to open.
- Label: Label will add a line of text to the Contact Page, and is useful if you want to divide your fields or create a static line of text. This data type must be used in the Result Field Data Field section, and must not be checked as 'editable' on page 2 of the Campaign Template.
- Unit Price: Obsolete field. It was used together with the data type Number of units to make automatic calculations and the total order value. It has since been replaced by formulas in the Campaign Template, and is kept only for legacy reasons.
- Number of units: See Unit price above.
- Booking entry ID: This data type will create a button on the Contact Page called 'Schedule appointment.' When calendars are connected to this Campaign, it will open a calendar view from which the agent can create appointments.
- Booking calendar code: Each calendar is created with a code, under Calendar Settings. When an appointment is created on the Contact Page, this data type will automatically fetch the code from the calendar it is created in.
- Booking time: This data type can only be used with Booking Entry ID, and will add a field where the date and time of the booked appointment are automatically entered. The default format is DD/MM/YYYY, hh:mm.
- Birthday: This data type is a date and is expected to hold sensitive information. Like all date data types, you can change the format to fit your needs or culture.
- Full name: This data type will present a text box in which both first name and the surname is expected. Fields with of this data type are expected to hold sensitive information.
- First name: This data type will present a text box in which the first name of the Lead is expected. Fields with of this data type are expected to hold sensitive information.
- Last name: This data type will present a text box in which the surname of the Lead is expected. Fields with of this data type are expected to hold sensitive information.
- Address: This data type will present a text box in which the address of the Lead is expected. Fields with of this data type are expected to hold sensitive information.
- Country: This data type will present a text box in which the country of residence of the Lead is expected. Fields with of this data type are expected to hold sensitive information.
- City: This data type will present a text box in which the city of residence of the Lead is expected. Fields with of this data type are expected to hold sensitive information.
- City 2: In some cultures, the City has 2 lines in a Lead address.
- Street: This data type will present a text box in which the Street address of the Lead is expected. Fields with of this data type are expected to hold sensitive information.
- Building number: This data type will present a text box in which the building number of the Lead is expected. Fields with of this data type are expected to hold sensitive information.
- Apartment number: This data type will present a text box in which the apartment number of the Lead is expected. Fields with of this data type are expected to hold sensitive information.
- Apartment door: This data type will present a text box in which the apartment door of the Lead is expected. Fields with of this data type are expected to hold sensitive information.
- Sensitive integer: This data type is a number field used to hold sensitive data, such as salary details. As it holds sensitive information, the data in this field will be deleted according to the deletion rules set for sensitive data types in Administration - Projects.
- Sensitive text: This data type will will display like Text (Small field), but is used to hold sensitive information. The data in this field will be deleted according to the deletion rules set for sensitive data types in Administration - Projects.
- Mobile phone: This is a data type of the phone number type. When a number is entered here, the Dialer knows that it should try to call that number. It presents exactly like any phone number on the Contact Page.
- Sensitive phone number: If the phone number is sensitive and should be in complaince with GDPR, use this data type. As it holds sensitive information, the data in this field will be deleted according to the deletion rules set for sensitive data types in Administration - Projects.
- Sensitive Mobile phone. If the mobile phone number is sensitive and should be in complaince with GDPR, use this data type. As it holds sensitive information, the data in this field will be deleted according to the deletion rules set for sensitive data types in Administration - Projects.
- Sensitive E-mail: If the email address is sensitive and should be in complaince with GDPR, use this data type. As it holds sensitive information, the data in this field will be deleted according to the deletion rules set for sensitive data types in Administration - Projects.
- Subscription Start Date: A field that can be used for recording when a subscription starts. This can be useful if, for example, there is a starting period where the subscription is free of charge, but the paid subscription begins at the date recorded in the field.
- Order Confirmation: If you are using the Order Confirmation module in Flows, this data type will allow you to initiate an order confirmation by clicking a button on the Contact Page. Enter the name of the Order Confirmation in the Name field, the Order Confirmation token from Flows in the Value field, and press the green arrow. If you enter multiple Order Confirmations in this data type, they will be shown in a drop down menu.
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