Organisation: Manage Work Schedule
In Manage Work Schedule, view and manage your organisation's activities over a period of time, as well as report working hours, bonuses, and salaries.
In this article:
To access Manage Work Schedule, expand the Organisation drop-down menu, and click Manage Work Schedule.
In Work Schedule, you can manage and view your activities over certain periods of time. From tracking an Agent's vacation, to time spent on Campaigns, Work Schedule can even calculate the hourly price of activities, enabling calculation for for Cost per success or hourly billing.
Please note that access to Manage Work Schedule must be granted to Users in Feature Permissions.
Work Schedule is a calendar which displays activities planned for Users in your Organisation.
In each fifteen (15) minute time slot, a number will display how many Users are scheduled for various activities at that time. Hover your cursor over each time slot to see which Users are scheduled for which activity.
There are several ways to filter the view in Work Schedule:
- Expand Activities to filter by specific activities.
- Expand Users (All) to filter by specific Users in your Organisation.
- Use the Search Bar to search the whole Work Schedule.
In the grey bar at the bottom of the screen you can view the daily and weekly statistics for:
- How many Users are working.
- The projected planned time they will work.
- The projected planned phone time they will spend.
- The actual time they spent calling Leads.
Expand the Options menu to Edit activities, or Edit Templates.
Expand the +New menu to Create activity, or Create template.
Create Activity
Activities are customisable and can be created so that the Agents in your Organisation can schedule their work efficiently.
To create a new Activity, expand the +New menu and click Create activity.
Fill in the steps of the wizard to create your new Activity.
- Name: Enter the name of the activity.
- Colour: Select the colour the activity will show as in the Work Schedule.
- Active/Inactive: Decide if the activity can be selected for use or not.
- On the phone: Toggle to Yes if the activity requires that the Agent be on the phone calling Leads. Yes will add hours with this activity to the corresponding user report KPIs.
- Paid: Toggle to Yes if the Agent will be paid for this activity. This field can be used for managing salaries or for billing your customer accurately.
- Hour rate: Set an hourly rate if the activity is set to Paid. This will be added up in the report KPI.
- Order ID Field: Define an Order ID if the activity is related to a specific client. Optional.
- Reference ID Field: Define a Reference ID if the activity is related to a specific client. Optional.
- Access Rights: Define which Users have access to this activity in their Work Schedule.
- Limit Campaign Access: Toggle to Yes to limit access to certain Campaigns when working with this activity.
- Enforce Campaign Access: Toggle to Yes to select which Campaigns will be pre-selected for the Agents on the Campaign selection page.
- Campaigns: Select which Campaigns you wish to limit or enforce.
Create Template
Templates are customisable and are used to create a default template that your Agents can work with.
Please note that Templates are built with Activities, so make sure you have created Activities before you begin!
To create a new Template, expand the +New menu and click Create template.
To populate your Template, click on the period of time you want to add an Activity to. Click and drag if the Activity will last longer than fifteen minutes.
- Template Name: Enter the name for your Template.
- Active: Click the checkbox if the Template is in active use.
- Editable by users: Click the checkbox to allow Users to edit the Template.
- Organisation/Users: Toggle between Organisation and Users to select who can use this Template.
To Add an Activity to the Template, select the period of time and enter the details in the pop-up box.
Select which Activity from the Select activity task drop-down menu, and define the time period.
Click Save to add your Activity to the Template, or Cancel to exit.
Agent Schedule
Work Schedule will be available to Agents when the Feature Permission Work Schedule is active.
Work Schedule can then be accessed through the Agent's user menu in the top right corner of Outbound by Enreach.
Agents can view and edit their Work Schedule, and add Activities and Templates that are assigned to them.
Please note that it is only possible for an Administrator to delete a Template.