Insights: Scoreboards

Scoreboards allows you to construct visual reports for assessing the performance and achievements of Campaigns, Segments, and Teams.

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In this article:

To access Scoreboards, expand the Insights drop-down menu and select Scoreboards.

If you have already created Scoreboards in your Organisation, they will be automatically listed here.

Click a Scoreboard to view it.

To the right are some options: click the cross icon to delete a Scoreboard, the pencil icon to edit, and the arrow icon to share the scoreboard with others in your Organisation. 

To return to the Scoreboard list when in viewing mode, click the spanner icon tab.

Existing Scoreboards are totally customisable, but will look similar to the one below. In the image below you can quickly gain an overview of the performance of Sales Team 1, including their daily call stats by Agent, and how close they are to reaching their target.

Create a Scoreboard

To create a new Scoreboard, click Create

  • First, enter a name for your Scoreboard.
  • Toggle between Campaigns and Segments to decide what data you want to track.
  • Click All to track all the available Campaigns or Segments, or click Selected to manually choose.
  • Click the eye icon to filter between active or inactive Campaigns or Segments, or use the Search bar
  • When you are finished, click Save to save your preferences, or Cancel to exit without saving. Click the cross icon tab to collapse the page.

When you have saved your preferences, you will see a blank page.

The first thing to do is add a widget. Toggle the Edit switch to green, and click Add widget

You will then see a list of 8 different widgets to choose from. 

Click a widget to add it to the Scoreboard, and click and drag to the desired size. Don't worry, the size and position of the widget can be changed later. 

In Outbound by Enreach, you can choose from Number, Speedometer, Table, Graph, Column Chart, Pie Chart, Text, and Image


The Number widget will compare the performance of two selected KPIs over a set period of time. This is really useful for tracking the number of successful calls and the sum total profit, for example.

In the wizard, enter the following information:

  • Add a title: Enter a descriptive name that explains what data the widget is displaying.
  • Metric: Expand this drop-down to choose which KPI will act as the first metric, displayed as the top data field.
  • Second Metric: Expand this drop-down to choose which KPI will act as the second metric, displayed underneath the primary metric.
  • Time Period: Expand the drop-down and choose a time period to filter the KPI data by.
  • Teams: Click the Teams text box to expand a list of the Teams in your Organisation. Click the Teams you want to fetch the data from. 
  • Accuracy, decimals: If you are using a KPI that displays a percentage, you can configure how many decimal points will show.
  • Exclude Empty Records: Check this box to exclude any fields with no data. 
  • Trigger Function: Adding a Trigger Function will turn the KPI data field red, depending on whether it is more or less than the value entered in the Trigger Threshold below. Choose between If [value]  > Threshold then RED and If [value]  < Threshold then RED.
  • Trigger Threshold: Enter the threshold that will determine the KPI data field turning red, if you have chosen to add a Trigger Function. For example, if you choose Call Attempts as the first Metric, set the Trigger Function to If [value]  < Threshold then RED, then set the Trigger Threshold to 500, then if the Call Attempts are lower than 500, the Metric will be displayed in red. 

Click Save to save your widget, or Cancel to exit without saving.


The Speedometer widget will  compare the performance of a KPI against a static target KPI, and is a useful visualisation of how close is the KPI to reaching the target goal. 

In the wizard, enter the following information:

  • Add a title: Enter a descriptive name that explains what data the widget is displaying.
  • Metric: Expand this drop-down to choose which KPI will act as the first metric, displayed as the top data field.
  • Second Metric: Expand this drop-down to choose which KPI will act as the second metric, displayed underneath the primary metric.
  • Time Period: Expand the drop-down and choose a time period to filter the KPI data by.
  • Teams: Click the Teams text box to expand a list of the Teams in your Organisation. Click the Teams you want to fetch the data from. 
  • Accuracy, decimals: If you are using a KPI that displays a percentage, you can configure how many decimal points will show.
  • Exclude Empty Records: Check this box to exclude any fields with no data. 
  • Trigger Function: Adding a Trigger Function will turn the KPI data field red, depending on whether it is more or less than the value entered in the Trigger Threshold below. Choose between If [value]  > Threshold then RED and If [value]  < Threshold then RED.
  • Trigger Threshold: Enter the threshold that will determine the KPI data field turning red, if you have chosen to add a Trigger Function. For example, if you choose Call Attempts as the first Metric, set the Trigger Function to If [value]  < Threshold then RED, then set the Trigger Threshold to 500, then if the Call Attempts are lower than 500, the Metric will be displayed in red. 

Click  Save to save your widget, or Cancel to exit without saving. 


The Table widget will compare a number of KPIs against Agents, so you can gain a quick overview of their performance in certain areas. 

In the wizard, enter the following information:

  • Add a title: Enter a descriptive name that explains what data the widget is displaying.
  • Add column: Click the plus sign to add another column to the Table widget. Repeat as necessary. 
  • Time Period: Expand the drop-down and choose a time period to filter the KPI data by.
  • Teams: Click the Teams text box to expand a list of the Teams in your Organisation. Click the Teams you want to fetch the data from. 
  • Data: Expand the drop-down to choose to group the Teams according to Campaign, Segment, Project, User, and Team.
  • Filed: Expand this drop-down to choose which KPI should be displayed in the Table column.
  • Ascending Order: Check this box to display the KPI data in ascending order. 
  • Accuracy, decimals: If you are using a KPI that displays a percentage, you can configure how many decimal points will show.
  • Exclude Empty Records: Check this box to exclude any fields with no data. 
  • Trigger Function: Adding a Trigger Function will turn the KPI data field red, depending on whether it is more or less than the value entered in the Trigger Threshold below. Choose between If [value]  > Threshold then RED and If [value]  < Threshold then RED.
  • Trigger Threshold: Enter the threshold that will determine the KPI data field turning red, if you have chosen to add a Trigger Function. For example, if you choose Call Attempts as the first Metric, set the Trigger Function to If [value]  < Threshold then RED, then set the Trigger Threshold to 500, then if the Call Attempts are lower than 500, the Metric will be displayed in red. 

Click  Save to save your widget, or Cancel to exit without saving. 


The Graph widget will compare the performance of two selected KPIs over a set period of time in a line graph. This is really useful for tracking the number of successful calls against Teams or Users, for example.

In the wizard, enter the following information:

  • Add a title: Enter a descriptive name that explains what data the widget is displaying.
  • Metric: Expand this drop-down to choose which KPI will act as the first metric, displayed as the top data field.
  • Second Metric: Expand this drop-down to choose which KPI will act as the second metric, displayed underneath the primary metric.
  • Time Period: Expand the drop-down and choose a time period to filter the KPI data by.
  • Teams: Click the Teams text box to expand a list of the Teams in your Organisation. Click the Teams you want to fetch the data from. 
  • Data: Expand the drop-down to choose to group the KPI data according to CampaignSegmentProjectUser, and Team.
  • Time: Expand the drop-down to filter the KPI data by Day, Week, or Month.
  • Accuracy, decimals: If you are using a KPI that displays a percentage, you can configure how many decimal points will show.
  • Exclude Empty Records: Check this box to exclude any fields with no data. 

Click  Save to save your widget, or Cancel to exit without saving. 

Column Chart

The Column widget will show the performance of a Campaign, Segment, Project, User, or Team, against a selected KPI in the form of vertical columns. 

In the wizard, enter the following information:

  • Add a title: Enter a descriptive name that explains what data the widget is displaying.
  • Metric: Expand this drop-down to choose which KPI will act as the first metric, displayed as the top data field.
  • Time Period: Expand the drop-down and choose a time period to filter the KPI data by.
  • Teams: Click the Teams text box to expand a list of the Teams in your Organisation. Click the Teams you want to fetch the data from. 
  • Data: Expand the drop-down to choose to group the KPI data according to Campaign, Segment, Project, User, and Team.
  • Accuracy, decimals: If you are using a KPI that displays a percentage, you can configure how many decimal points will show.
  • Exclude Empty Records: Check this box to exclude any fields with no data. 

Click  Save to save your widget, or Cancel to exit without saving. 

Pie Chart

The Pie Chart widget will display KPI data in a pie chart, according to which Campaign, Segment, Project, User, or Team you have selected. 

In the wizard, enter the following information:

  • Add a title: Enter a descriptive name that explains what data the widget is displaying.
  • Metric: Expand this drop-down to choose which KPI will act as the first metric, displayed as the top data field.
  • Time Period: Expand the drop-down and choose a time period to filter the KPI data by.
  • Teams: Click the Teams text box to expand a list of the Teams in your Organisation. Click the Teams you want to fetch the data from. 
  • Data: Expand the drop-down to choose to group the KPI data according to Campaign, Segment, Project, User, and Team.
  • Accuracy, decimals: If you are using a KPI that displays a percentage, you can configure how many decimal points will show.
  • Exclude Empty Records: Check this box to exclude any fields with no data. 

Click  Save to save your widget, or Cancel to exit without saving. 

Your Text

The Text widget will allow you to display a simple text box in your Scoreboard. 

Enter your text in the Text box, and click Save to save the widget, or Cancel to exit without saving.


The Image widget will allow you to display an image from your computer in your Scoreboard. 

Click the File box to select an image from your computer's file, and click Save to Save the widget, or Cancel to exit without saving.

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