Insights: Live Operations
If you are a team leader or admin, you can use Live Operations to monitor agent calls live, track the activity of you team, and view up-to-date KPIs and statistics in real time.
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In this article:
To access Live Operations, expand the Insights drop-down menu and select Live Operations.
In the navigation page, you will see a dashboard displaying all Live Operations data.
In the top bar, you will see a number of filters to change the navigation view:
- Reports: Expand Reports to access any previously saved reports
- Teams and Users: Expand to switch between Teams and Users in your Organisation, and whether they are Active or Inactive
- Campaigns: Expand to choose which Campaigns you want to show the live statistics for
- Agent status: Filter the view by currently active Agents, or all Agents that have been active today
- Search: Click Search to update any applied filters.
Expand the Options drop-down menu and click Save report as new to save your chosen filters as an easily accessible report, under the Reports drop-down menu. This is useful if you want to switch between Campaign views, or certain Users.
If you are viewing a Saved Report, you will see different options:
- Share report will open a wizard where you can share the report directly with others in your Organisation
- Save Report will save update your report with any changes made, such a KPI alternations
- Save Report as will allow you to change the name of the report
- Delete Report will delete the report
In the top left of the navigation you will see six KPI containers where you can get quick statistics for a number of the most important KPIs in your Organisation.
To edit a KPI, click on the title to expand a drop-down list of all available KPIs.
These can be filtered by expanding the Category, Level, and Time Filter options in the top bar.
Click the pencil icon to edit the name of the KPI.
How is Wrap-up Time calculated?
Wrap-up Time is the amount of time it takes between an Agent finishing a call with a Lead and entering a Lead status.
If an Agent is calling to more than one number associated with a Lead, then the Wrap-up Time will include those idle seconds or minutes between calling each number.
In Live Operations, the following KPIs include Wrap-up Time:
Call - Revenue per online hour (Successes)
Call - Points per online hour (Successes)
Call - Profit per online hour (Successes)
Call - Commission per online hour (Successes)
Call - Number of sold units per online hour (Successes)
Call - Avg. number of Contacts per hour
Call - Successes per online hour
Call - User-processed per online hour
Call - Success + Not Interested per online hour
Call - Idle time per online time
Call - Wrap-up time per online time
Call - Success per Total Hours
Call - Success + Not interested per Total Hours
Call - Preparation time per online time
Call - Conversation time per online time
Call - Wrap-up Time
Call - Total time spent on the Contact Page
Call - Total time spent on the Contact Page (as decimal)
Top Users
In the top right of the navigation you will see a table of the Top Users in your Organisation based on a KPI.
Expand the Successes drop down menu to change the display according to different KPIs:
- Successes is the number of Leads closed with a Success status.
- Top Calls Rate is the total call attempts when dialling the Lead.
- Not Interested is the number of Leads closed with a Not Interested status.
The average conversation time and percentage of Leads closed as a Success will then be shown in the table.
Organisation Table
In the bottom of the navigation you can view all active Agents currently using Outbound by Enreach, view their call statistics, and monitor their conversations live.
Click a User to expand their KPI data for their current session in Outbound by Enreach, and if they are currently connected to a Lead, Click Connect to monitor the conversation live.
The Organisation table can be regrouped by clicking on the arrows next to Team, Status, Time, Type, and Campaign.
This way you can gain an easy overview of all connected calls, or all Agents working a certain Campaign, for example.
To the right of the Organisation Table are two KPI columns. The default views are Call - Call Attempts and Lead (Closed Date) - Success.
These can be customised by clicking the title to expand the list of KPIs.
Filter the view using the Category, Level, or Time filter options, or use the Search bar to quickly search for the KPI.
The next two columns display the Planned activity that the Agent should be performing, and the Actual activity that the Agent is currently performing.
Click the cog icon and select New chat to expand a chat box with that agent, or click Logout to log the Agent out of their Outbound by Enreach session.