Incoming: Incoming Configuration

If you are an administrator, in Incoming Configuration you can configure all of the settings of the numbers used when receiving incoming calls.

To read this guide in Danish, click here.

Please note that new Incoming phone numbers must be provided by Outbound by Enreach Support. 

If you need more numbers, please contact Support

In this article:

To access Incoming Configuration, expand the Incoming drop-down menu and select Incoming Configuration

In the Navigation Page, you will see a list of all the Incoming Phone numbers in your Organisation. 

Use the Search bar to search for a specific Incoming phone number. 

Double click on a phone number to be taken to the editing wizard.

Click a heading in the navigation to jump to that section of the wizard, or scroll through to configure all the settings. 

General Settings 

Under General Settings, configure the following settings (mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk): 

  • Name: Enter a name for the Incoming phone number.
  • Select Phone Number: If you are creating a new Incoming phone number, select it from the list. If you need more numbers, please contact Support
  • Project: Expand the drop-down menu and select which Project the Incoming phone number will be used for. 
  • Campaign Used for Clones and New Leads: If you choose to clone or create a new Lead in Lead handling, this is the Campaign it will be cloned or created in. 
  • Campaign Search Scope: Expand and choose the selection of Campaigns and Projects the Incoming phone number will be used for.  

Direct Incoming

Direct Incoming numbers are a type of Incoming number that you can tie directly to a specific Team or Agent. These numbers are ordered directly from our Support Team, and are great for ensuring your incoming calls are going to only the right people.

Configuring a Direct Incoming number is exactly the same as an Incoming number, but with the added step of Bind to Team or Agent.

Note that when a Direct Incoming number is bound to a Team, each member of that Team will be able to view missed calls to that number in Missed Incoming Calls.

Opening Hours

Under Opening Hours, configure when the Incoming phone number will be open and closed

To adjust the opening hours, click the + icon to the right of the wizard to expand the days of the week. Click on a day to adjust the opening hours

In the Status column, expand the drop-down menu to set the status of the opening hours between Open, Closed, and Transfer.

If you choose to transfer calls, the transfer number can be configured in Lead Handling below

Enter the correct hours in the From and To columns.

If you need to configure any exceptions to the opening and closing hours, click Show opening hours exceptions and click the green + icon. 

In the Status column, expand the drop-down menu to set the status of the exception between Open, Closed, and Transfer.

In the Days of the week column, expand the drop-down menu to choose between Weekdays, Weekends, and All Days

Next, in the From date column, click the calendar icon to set the start and end date for the exceptions, and set the time in the From time and To time columns.

Lead Handling

Under Lead Handling, configure how to handle incoming calls:

  • Action on Found Lead: Choose what will happen if the Lead is recognised. Choose between Connect Only Open Leads, Connect Opened and Closed Leads, Connect and Clone Closed Leads, and Always Clone and Connect
  • On Clone: Result Data?: If you have chosen Always Clone and Connect, toggle between Yes and No to clone the Result Data.
  • On Clone: Close Org. Lead?: If you have chosen Always Clone and Connect, toggle between Yes and No to close the original Lead.
  • Action on No A-Number: Choose what will happen if you receive a call with a hidden number. Choose between Message and Connect, Direct Transfer, and Connect as New.
  • Action on No Agent: Choose what will happen if there aren't any available Agents ready to receive the call. Choose between Message and Disconnect, and Direct Transfer.
  • Action on No Lead Found: Choose what will happen if the Lead is not recognised by Choose between Message and Disconnect, Direct Transfer, and Connect as New
  • Queue policy: Decide how Incoming calls to this number are handled, to which Agents they are sent to.

Click Copy Settings to copy the Lead Handling settings from other Incoming phone numbers. 

Click Share Settings to share the Lead Handling settings to other Incoming phone numbers. 

Note! If you choose to transfer a call after timeout, then you have to disable DialBack for Timeout calls. Reach out to Support to make sure this setting is disabled.

How is a Lead matched with an Incoming call?

When you receive an Incoming call, Outbound will check to see if there are any Leads with that phone number in the system.

If multiple Leads are found with the same phone number, for example cloned Leads in several different Campaigns, then Outbound will select the Lead that has been most recently called: the Campaign this Lead belongs to will be displayed on the Contact Page.

If the incoming number is not registered as a Lead in the system, then what happens depends on which setting you choose in Action on no Lead found.

  • Connect as new will connect the Lead to the Agent. The Agent can then save the details as new Lead.
  • Direct transfer will transfer the call to number specified in the field for this (there's a field to specify which number)
  • Message and disconnect will play "General fail" message and disconnect the call

Wait Settings 

Under Wait Settings, configure the sounds that Leads will hear while waiting to be connected to an Agent (mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk):

To select the sounds in Wait Settings, upload any sounds or messages in Incoming Call Sounds.

  • Connecting Sound: Choose the sound the Lead will hear when being connected to an Agent.
  • Loop Sound: Choose the sound the Lead will hear looped while waiting in the queue. This sound should be short, no longer than 3 seconds.
  • How Long Should the Sound be Played?: Set how many seconds the Loop Sound will be played for.
  • Timeout Sound: If the call doesn't connect and reaches the Maximum Wait Time, choose which sound the Lead will hear.
  • Maximum Wait Time: Set how many seconds it will take for a call to timeout.  
  • Action after Timeout: Expand the drop-down menu and choose what action to take after a call reaches timeout. Choose between Message and Disconnect, and Direct Transfer.

Click Copy Settings to copy the Lead Handling settings from other Incoming phone numbers. 

Click Share Settings to share the Lead Handling settings to other Incoming phone numbers. 

If you need to configure any exceptions to the Wait Settings while the call is in the queue, click  Show Wait Settings exceptions and click the green + icon

In the Type column, toggle between Loop and Once to configure how the sound will be played.

In the Sound column, expand the drop-down menu to select which sound will be played.

In the Play Sound Time column, enter the number of seconds the sound will be played for. 

In the image below, after the Lead had waited for the maximum wait time, configured under  Finish, the first message will be played after 20 seconds, the second message after 40 seconds, and the third message after 60 seconds. 

Sound Settings

Under Sound Settings, configure which sounds will be played in a variety of situations:

  • General Fail Message: This sound will be played whenever the option Message and Disconnect is chosen. 
  • We are Closed: If the Lead calls during closed hours, they will hear this sound.
  • Lead is Closed: This sound will be played when the option Action on Found Lead is set to Connect only Open Leads.
  • Agent Notification Sound: This is the browser notification sound that will be played when the next Lead an Agent is connected to is an incoming call. This setting is configured in Settings when Incoming Connection Mode is set to Immediately
  • Incoming Call Notification Sound: This sound will be played to an Agent on the Contact Page when an incoming call is placed in the queue.
  • Enable Incoming Call Notification: Toggle between Yes and No to enable the Incoming Call Notification Sound. 

When you have finished configuring the settings, click Save Changes

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