Product Updates 2022
What's New?
Here's what we've been working on this month
- Share Reports in Live Operations with other teams and members of your organisation with a click. Enable the Live Operations permission in Manage Organisation and keep on top of your organisations performance and KPIs.
Fixes and Improvements
- We fixed a bug that caused the SMS sender name to be incorrect when using the new SMS Template editor
- Fixed an issue in Live Operations that prevented users from switching between reports
- Improved the loading speed for many users, and those that use api2
- In Reports, we've added the possibility to view time in seconds, not only hh:mm:ss
- You can now filter reports in Live Operations based on Campaigns and Projects
- You can now lock the menu bar in a displayed position with a click
- Have you visited our new Idea Hub yet? The wish to lock the menu bar was a suggestion from one of our users, to increase their productivity. Click Idea Hub in the Outbound top bar to submit suggestions, vote and comment on other ideas, and interact directly with the Outbound Product Team
Fixes and Improvements
- It is now possible to limit your search to active or inactive Leads in Lead Admin
- Fixed an issue where locked Leads could accidentally be opened through the Edit Lead function
- Fixed a bug that caused a new Redial list to open, when opening a redial from the My Redials list
- You can now download a Campaign Overview and a Standard Agent Report to an Excel file
- We've improved the way you upload Leads and handle duplicates, making the process clearer
- Fixed a bug in Lead Admin that prevented pie charts from displaying column data
- Improved filtering options in New Lead Admin, so column data field options will be filtered depending the Campaign(s) selected
- We've changed the way Wrap-up time is calculated on calls to Leads with multiple phone numbers
- The SMS module has been fully improved and updated, making it easier to create and manage SMS templates
Fixes and Improvements
- Improved in-app guidance with links to new help articles, such as creating an Entry Group, and Composition Options
- Improved the time it takes for an Order Confirmation status to appear in New Lead Admin
Fixes and Improvements
- We added the possibility to limit User access in Reports, so it's now possible to limit Users to see only Shared Views
- Fixed a bug that prevented users from filtering data using a 'greater than' filter in some scenarios
- If you use Work Schedule to plan time, you can now view KPIs for all levels in a Report, not just Agents
- When cloning Leads in Outbound, it is now easy to distinguish between the original Lead and the Cloned Lead. Lead Log will now display information about each time the Lead was cloned, and the unique Lead ID.
Fixes and Improvements
- Fixed an issue in settings for automatic deletion of Call Recordings to prevent conflicting settings for Project and related Campaigns. Now, a Campaign may not have a higher number of days than the Project it belongs to. No changes will be done automatically to existing settings but, from now on, you will be notified about the conflict if you try to save Project settings with a lower number of days than the Campaigns. The application will offer to change the Campaign settings automatically on the conflicting Campaigns
- Fixed a bug so that activating, deactivating, or deleting a Lead Pool is now added the Change Log
- Fixed a bug that prevented the accurate call time from being shown in the Lead Log, if the calls were longer than 1 hour
- Deleting a shared Lead View will no longer remove the original lead View from the creator’s UI
- We’ve added access to Change Log as a menu item on the settings for Feature Roles. It is now present on all three types of User Roles.
- When cloning a Campaign without a Campaign Code, the Campaign name will be used as the code instead, eliminating any confusion
- We've fixed a bug that threw an error if a non-Admin user opened a Shared Report where Teams had been used for grouping the Report
- Grouping a Reporting based on Segment will now show all relevant data
Fixes and Improvements
- Fixed a problem that caused Inbound sound files to display the incorrect file length, and improved the UI
- Fixed a bug in the Live Operations page where percentages were shown as a Sum instead of an Average
- Selecting a custom date range in Reports now works as intended
- Found and fixed a bug that generated an error message when creating new Campaigns, even though the Campaign creation was successful
- It is now possible to deactivate Lead Pools even if they have active intervals set
- Leads that were stuck in the Dial Back queue are now released as they should
- Fixed a bug in advanced settings of Lead Upload that ignored a day offset of 0 days
- When cloning a Campaign, a unique Campaign Code will be created
- We’ve improved the speed and responsiveness of the Live Operations feature
- Lead Pool log has been improved to show more detailed information about any problems
- Fixed an error where Reports for Campaigns moved to other Projects no longer showed the correct Campaign data
- Fixed a bug that prevented multiple Triggers being saved in a Campaign when created in the same session
Fixes and Improvements
- When manually creating a Lead in the Contact Page, you can immediately book a calendar appointment without seeing an error message
- Call recording of calls transferred internally now follows the Campaign settings configuration on how to record calls
- Fixed a bug where in using the Voicemail button on a Common, Private, or VIP Redial, the call status would be recorded as an Automatic Redial, regardless of the initial status.
This resulted in a disproportionate amount of Automatic Redials recorded in Redial statistics. With this fix, the call status will be aligned with the Lead status, even after the Voicemail button has been used.
- You can now monitor an Agent’s activity in even greater detail in the Live Operations feature, with key updates to the Agent statuses and descriptions.
- If you use Entry Groups when creating a Campaign Template, fields from the same Entry group will now be highlighted together on the Contact Page.
Fixes and Improvements
- We’ve fixed an issue that caused gaps in Lead data fields on the Contact page when using Campaign Template Views. Now, everything fits nicely together!
- Streamlined the design of drop-down menus to create a clearer, more consistent experience.
- Fixed an issue in Campaign Templates that prevented custom date formats from working as intended.
- We’ve corrected a problem in Organisation Management so now Users can only move Teams within the same level of organisational hierarchy.
- Improved the search function in the Quality Assurance feature.
- Improved the full log download from Lead Pools.
- General fixes to the in-app text, improved translations, and several bug fixes, to create a better experience for all our Users.
- Fixed the logic behind the filter "Greater than" in the new Lead Admin feature.
- We've found and fixed a difference between the search results in the old and new Lead Admin page, streamlining both.
- All mandatory fields are now highlighted on the Contact Page.
- If you have more than one Manuscript per Campaign, they will both display fully on the Contact Page.
- When you're using Incoming Call Sounds, you will now see the name of the file you uploaded.
- We have fixed a bug that prevented Max Call Attempts from being counted correctly.