Lead Admin: 1000 Leads?
Working with more than 1000 Leads?
In Lead Admin, there is a maximum of 1000 Leads you can access at once.
This is to ensure that Outbound keeps running quickly and smoothly for all users.
However, you can export a Lead View view in a .CSV file and view all the Leads you have searched for.
If you need to work with 1000+ Leads at once, there are several options depending on what you want to do:
Q: I want to change owner, activate, deactivate, change the scheduled dial time, status, priority, add leads to a Segment, or remove the dial time limit
A: Re-run the query
First, search for the first 1000 Leads you want to work with. Highlight the Leads, and select which action you want to perform to make the changes.
After making changes to the Leads, re-run the query to load the next 1000 Leads.
You will only be able to view 100 Leads at a time before moving to the next page of the Lead View, but check the checkbox in the top bar, then click Select all.
In the pop-up you will see a message saying you have selected 1000 Leads to change.
Make your changes, then re-run your search query.
Q: I want to clone 1000+ Leads
A: Export the Lead View as a .CSV file and re-upload
When in Lead Admin, select the Lead View you want to work with, click Options, and select Export View.
A .CSV file containing all the Leads will then be downloaded to your desktop.
Make the adjustments to the Leads in the file, then re-upload it to the correct Campaign in Lead Pools.
Q: I want to make changes to custom Lead data
A: Use the Update Leads function
The is the easiest way to update data in existing Leads in bulk is through Update Leads.
First, export the Lead view in Lead Admin, but make sure to include the Outbound by Enreach Lead ID as a column.
In the downloaded file, make your changes.
Next, head to Update Leads, and select Use EnreachID as a key across Campaigns as the Update method.
Upload the file.