
With WebCallBack, you can establish an almost instant connection with leads when they are eager to hear from you.

From sign-up to conversation, within two minutes your agents can start chatting with interested leads, offering personalised engagement, boosting customer satisfaction, and dramatically increasing conversion rates.

WebCallBack is an additional Enreach module. To find out how it could drive up your success rate, contact your Customer Success manager to find out more.

How does it work?

By embedding a simple piece of code in your website form, or creating a pop-up in Flows by Enreach, prospective leads can enter their details on your website, requesting a call back.

Using the information entered by the prospective lead, a lead is created in Outbound, added to the Campaign of your choosing, and presented to an available agent on the contact page.

Data entry is automated, meaning your agents can focus on providing customised service, maximising their productivity, without having to worry about time-consuming admin tasks.

Get inspired!

Take a look at some of the incredible statistics from our customers already using WebCallBack to increase their contact rate.

By generating leads online, one customer saw:

👉 A 30% higher success rate in Campaigns with WebCallBack enabled

👉 A time reduction of 90% from lead sign-up to conversation

👉 A 700% increase in ROI!

Implementation & Process

WebCallBack uses an API request, provided by Enreach support.

Whether you just have Outbound, or have connected your Outbound account with your Flows account, there are several different ways to get going with WebCallBack.

For Outbound only

  1. First, create a Campaign. We recommend creating a dedicated WebCallBack campaign, so you can dive into the statistics in Campaign reports. The Campaign is where your new leads will be created in and called from.
  2. Embed the API request code received from support in the code of your website or form. An example of what that looks like is below:

dialParameters are provided by support and defines the call queue and opening hours settings.

Queue capacity defines how many WebCallBack calls can be in the queue at once.

Lead defines which campaign the is the lead is imported into and defines which data prospective lead fills in, and can be modified to included any lead fields you need!

	'dialParameters': {
		'scheduleId': 'PCSCHEDxxxxxxXYY',
		'waitingCallQueueUniqueId': 'WCQxxxxxxXYY',
		'queueCapacityLimit': 1
	'lead': {
		'campaignUniqueId': 'CAMPxxxxxxXYY',
		'data': {
			'First Name': 'Neil',
			'Last Name': 'Armstrong',
			'Phone': '07201969'
  1. When the prospective lead submits the form, an API request will be made towards our server, and a WebCallBack will be created. Outbound will then immediately call the lead.
  2. When the prospective lead answers, they will hear the connecting sound configured in Wait Settings, and the WebCallBack enters the queue.
  3. The WebCallBack will then be presented as a priority call to the first available agent. Read more about Dialer priority here.
  4. The wait settings and opening hours can affect how fast the lead is called. If a lead is in the queue and exceeds the wait settings for example, the call will be placed in the DialBack queue, and contacted as first priority by the first available agent.

    Please note that DialBack calls become expired at midnight on the same day, and will not be available to call the following day.

If you already have the Incoming module, then wait settings and opening hours can be configured in Incoming Configuration. WebCallBack will simply utilise these settings. If you do not have the Incoming module, then the settings can be configured manually in the API request, with the help of Enreach support.

For Flows

For Flows, WebCallBack is available as a plugin.

Reach out to your Customer Success manager to talk about which options would best fit your needs.

When prospective leads are ready to be called, they will enter the call queue on the contact page, and will appear in yellow as a WebCallBack!

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