Incoming: Incoming Reports

Incoming Reports is your go-to report page for all your incoming numbers.

For convenience, Incoming Reports can be accessed both in the Incoming and the Insights menu tab:

You'll recognise the report structure from your Reports page, so check this guide to learn how to create and save filters, change KPIs, and share reports with others in your organisation.

However, Incoming Reports can be grouped by number, so it's easier to check the performance of each number.

Please note!

Only users that belong to the top team in the Organisation will be able to view the Incoming Report.

This is because incoming calls don't belong to an individual users, but the organisation.

Read more about lead ownership logic here.

The Incoming Report, by default, has 25 KPIs.

Like in Reports, these can be removed from the filter, renamed, or other KPIs can be added.

Let's have a closer look at each Incoming KPI and what it represents:

KPI Name


Total count of Incoming calls Total count of all incoming calls, answered and unanswered
Total count of processed Incoming calls Total count of processed incoming calls - all calls within opening hours except 'DialBack Queued'
Total count of answered Incoming calls Total count of all connected incoming and DialBack calls
Incoming calls - All answerable Total count of all incoming calls that have been answered and were answerable (incl. 'Caller hung up', 'Timeout', 'DialBack Expired', 'DialBack Delegated', 'DialBack Cancelled'
Incoming calls - Total number of no A-Number Total count of incoming calls without an A-number (caller ID) and that are processed as 'Message and Disconnect' or 'Direct Transfer' in Incoming Configuration
Incoming calls - Not connected - no lead found Total count of incoming calls where no lead is found that are processed as 'Message and Disconnect' or 'Direct Transfer' in Incoming Configuration
Incoming calls - Not connected: locked lead Total count of incoming calls not connected as the lead is locked (on contact page or in edit mode)
Incoming calls - Not connected: lead already processed Total amount of incoming calls not connected because the lead found is closed, and 'Action on found lead' is set to 'Connect only open leads' in Incoming Configuration
Incoming calls - No Agent available Total amount of incoming calls not connected as DialBack is disabled and no agents are available to answer the call
Incoming calls - Caller hung up count Total amount of incoming calls not connected as the caller hung up before the agent answered, and DialBack is disabled
Incoming calls - All connected Total amount of incoming calls that have connected directly to an agent (no DialBack calls)
Incoming calls - Timeout Total amount of incoming calls not connected as the call reached the max. waiting time, and DialBack is disabled
Incoming call - Dial-back queued Total amount of incoming calls with the status 'DialBack Queued'
Incoming call - Dial-back expired Total amount of DialBack calls that have exceeded queue length (default 60 minutes)
Incoming call - Dial-back delegated Total amount of DialBack calls that have been delegated to an agent
Incoming call - Dial-back cancelled Total amount of DialBack calls that have been cancelled due to the lead calling before the DialBack is placed
Incoming calls - Total waiting time Total waiting time for incoming calls before they are processed. Includes DialBack statuses
Incoming calls - Average waiting time Average waiting time for incoming calls to be answered by an agent
Incoming calls - Max. waiting time Maximum waiting time for an incoming call to be answered by an agent
Incoming calls - answered within 20 sec. % of all answered Percentage of incoming calls answered within 20 seconds
Incoming calls - answered within 60 sec. % of all answered Percentage of incoming calls answered within 60 seconds
Incoming calls - Answered within 20 seconds Total number of incoming calls answered within 20 seconds
Incoming calls - answered within 60 seconds Total number of incoming calls answered within 60 seconds
Call - Success, Incoming call Total number of incoming calls processed as a success - excluding DialBack calls
Call - Success, DialBack Total number of DialBack calls processed as a success

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