Essentials: Lead Ownership and Leads Available to Dial
To ensure that the right Teams and Users have access to the right Campaigns and Leads to call, then either they must have Lead Ownership, or the Teams above them in the Organisational hierarchy must have Lead Ownership.
Lead Ownership is given when the Leads are uploaded to a Campaign with a Lead Ownership code, when uploading a Lead Pool, or can be changed individually or in bulk to Teams or Users in Lead Admin.
- The ability to call Leads also depends on the Campaign Access Roles or Campaign Permission of Teams and Users.
- The ability to view the calls and search information of colleagues also depends on whether the Team or User has Extended Data Permissions, which can be granted in Feature Permissions, under the Organisation tab.
If you are getting ready to call Leads from a Campaign but find that there are none (but you know your Organisation has active and full Campaigns), then the most likely scenario is that you don't have access to the Leads.
A User is able to call Leads when the Lead Ownership is placed on either the User, or the Team above the User in the Organisational hierarchy. In the image below, this means that if the Lead Ownership of a Lead belongs to Internal Sales Team 1, then, with the correct Campaign Access Role, all Users within that Team are able to call the Lead.
If the Lead Ownerships is placed on Dansk Telecom, then all Users and Teams within the Organisation will be able to call the Lead.
However, if the Lead Ownership is placed on Internal Sales Team 1, then Users in the Team Internal Sales will not be able to call those Leads, even if they have Campaign Permission.
A good rule of thumb is to remember that when calling Leads, look at where the Lead Ownership is granted in the Organisation:
- You can call Leads with Lead Ownership above you in the hierarchy.
- You cannot call Leads with Lead Ownership below you in the hierarchy.
This is the best way of ensuring that Leads can only be called by the right Teams and Users.
Viewing Leads
Viewing Leads in Lead Admin or statistics Reports is dependent on three factors: where you are placed in the Organisation, Lead Ownership, and whether you have Extended Data Permissions.
Organisation and Lead Ownership: If a Lead has Lead Ownership on either your own Team or User, or Teams below you in the hierarchy and you have Extended Data Permissions, then you will be able to view that Lead.
If a Lead has Lead Ownership placed on Teams or Users above you, then you will be able to view that Lead.
In the image below, if the Lead Ownership is placed in Internal Sales Team 1, then the Users in Internal Sales and Diary Managers will not be able to view those Leads in Lead Admin.
- Extended Data Permissions: This type of Permissions enables you to view other Teams below and User's call and search information, providing the Lead Ownership lies with a Team or User on or below your level in the hierarchy.
However, there is a small exception to this rule: if a User was the initial User to process a Lead (calling or editing), their User name will remain on that Lead under the value User Processed By. These Users will be able to view these Leads in Lead Admin or Reports, even if the Lead Ownership is in a Team or User that sits above you in the Organisational hierarchy.
- Calling Leads depends on the correct Campaign Access or Campaign Access Roles
- Agents CAN call Leads with Lead Ownership on their own user or teams above them in the hierarchy
- Agents CAN'T call Leads with Lead Ownership on teams or users below them in the hierarchy
- Agents CAN'T view reports on Leads that belong to Teams they don't have access to, unless they have the Extended Insights Rights Feature Permission
- Agents without extended data rights (i.e. not an Admin or Team Leader) will NOT have access to any deactivated Leads, including ones they own
- Changing or editing a Lead to a Private or VIP Redials in either the Contact Page or Edit Lead will make you the Lead Owner